Feel like I can’t stand my cats!! Help!!

I have 3 cats. I’m in my second trimester, ftm, and since early pregnancy my feelings towards them have completely changed - as in I feel like I can’t stand the sight of them - and it’s really getting me down. I have so much anxiety around them trodding litter all over the house and baby being exposed to germs, and the most common anxious thought I have is me tripping over a cat whilst I’m carrying the baby (they follow me around and are mostly at my feet - especially when I’m cooking). Its making me hate being around them and I feel like I’m not going to manage when baby gets here, or something bad is going to happen and it’s going to have something to do with the cats. Even typing this now I feel like it’s totally irrational but I can’t help feeling this way. Has any experienced the same thoughts/feelings and how did you manage it? It is normal to have these thoughts?