TMI:PIC BELOW! Should I go to the ER?

Now 3 nights ago I had sex with this guy I’ve been seeing for a while now and it was great besides the pain from the back position. But he’s big so I didn’t think too much of it. The morning after I had extreme cramping and pain when I pee. It wasn’t burning when I pee but more tender where they clitoris is at so every time I pee it feels like I’m being stabbed in my clit. Fast forward to yesterday I had cramping still but light and when I wiped I had blood on the tissue (it was light) and what looked like a little blood clot. But I didn’t see blood in my pee. This morning around 5am I woke up I had to pee and the pain was unbearable and I had more blood when I wiped. This has never happened to me before and I’ve only had 2 sexual partners before him so should I go to the ER and get checked or will it just ‘heal’ on its own? Pic below: