What should i say?

So my mil always ask me for example " oh there use to be so many easter eggs, youve mustve thrown them all away." Or "your sister bought you so many band aids a few years ago, what happen to them all? Youve mustve thrown them all away?" I never threw it away. She tend to always ask me if i threw things because of course i throw things away if we arent going to use it. Or i dont even want to hoard stuff. But she constantly ask me where things are and assume i just threw it away. I feel like she just wants to push me to admit that i thew things away even if i didnt. But those two examples are one she recently had said to me. I really want to have a come back at her and like PROVE that i didnt throw shit away just cause. Ugh. Idk i cant even rant to anyone and see if they will understand me. But what should i say the next time she say that? Because i feel like i always have to explain myself