Dilation/thinning cervix, tmi no pic

I know they can't always say when I will go into labor, but I was wondering if anyone knew exactly how thinning and dilation relate to going into labor. I will be 37 weeks tomorrow, and the doctor said that I was dilating, but she couldn't say by how much exactly since my cervix was still high. They estimated about a fingertip last week, and she thought it may have progressed some since then. She also said I'm "definitely thinning" but again, she didn't say by how much. I noticed some brown when I wiped after going to the bathroom (about an hour after the appointment). Not sure if it was from the exam or bits of mucus plug... I have had some looser stools lately. Not always loose, but more lately than before. The doctor also estimated based on feeling my stomach that the baby probably weighs about 7.5 pounds right now. Does this mean I could go early? I'm scared of having a huge baby. Everything has been healthy, but today my bp was up kind of high. I'm waiting on the preeclampsia blood work results.