Excruciating Muscle Pain - 5 months pp


Anyone with chronic pain - can you lend me you ear for a second?

I had my daughter about 4.5 months ago. Ever since then, I've been in humiliating chronic pain. Well, actually, it began about a month before I gave birth. It started as a stiff, spastic neck, but rapidly grew after I gave birth. It moved down into my shoulders, then my arms, then my legs, and now it's over my whole entire body. I can't do anything - and I mean anything - without pain. Simply rolling over in bed wakes me up because it hurts so bad. I feel weak and it's the worst at night and in the morning.

I've tried almost everything I can think of: heating pad, ice, icy hot, lidocaine spray, chiropractor appointments, muscle relaxers, multiple rounds of prednisone, saw my primary, went to the ER, went to Urgent Care, went to a rheumatologist, went to my OBGYN, went to a physical therapist, had x-rays and CT scans, and nothing has worked. As soon as I think it's going away, it comes back about 10x worse. The doctors haven't cared whatsoever and so I'm on my own now. They've ruled out all autoimmune diseases, and that's about all I've got.

Has anyone else experienced this after giving birth, or in a similar way? I'm about to try different vitamins and natural supplements, but I'm so sick of being in excruciating pain every second of the day. I will not entertain the idea of thinking about any strong painkillers.

If you've had an experience like this, please leave a comment or reach out. I can't find much about this on the internet and I'm desperate. I'd normally not come to a platform like this, but I can't take it anymore.

Thank you.