How to deal with anger? + Story time



I thought I would just jump on here and ask how people deal with their anger as I’m really struggling with it at the moment.

So a bit of context, I’m 18 living with my two siblings & my grandparents (living in their house), for schooling. My parents come up for a couple weeks ever now and again but we have a farm 7 hours away that needs upkeep, plus my mums job is there.

This year has been my third year living here and I’m really, really struggling with anger towards my grandma. She does everyone’s head in because (as much as I wish, she was) she isn’t a stereotypical lovely old women who is really sweet and nice. Instead she’s a narcissistic, emotional manipulator who is incredibly stubborn and thinks she is ALWAYS right and it’s ALWAYS some one else’s fault and she’s NEVER the problem. Logic doesn’t work, plain facts don’t work, if it’s not for her opinion then she’s against it at all costs.

Now for the past 2 years I’ve dealt with it by just saying yes to all the jobs and dismissing all her negative comments toward my siblings and parents and her opinions. I’m generally a very passive person that doesn’t get mad often.

Side note: my parents and siblings have tried over and over again to explain to her why what she said was hurtful or wrong or unnecessary or rude or disrespectful but she never, ever, EVER learns and just repeats the same issues.

An example is she’ll tell me or my siblings or parents how to cook paste probably or how to toast bread. No lie, she legit has told me multiple times how to TOAST BREAD! And when we explain that we know how to do it, she keeps telling us how to do it and then when get annoyed she thinks we’re being extremely rude and disrespectful and demands an apology. 🤯

So over the past few months I’ve really felt the anger building. Unfortunately I’m a person who takes a lot of sh*t before they absolutely EXPLODE (never physically, just a lot of yelling and screaming). And I feel that I’m heading toward that route. I’ve talked to both my parents, sibling and friends about it and mum and I have talked about a few ways to deal with it, but I’m still really struggling. She literally drives me and my whole family insane. We can’t afford to move out due to the cost of living rising, and I’m only planning to live here for another 2 years (not including this year.) So I just need to get though until then, but I was wondering if anyone had any advice, tips or tricks on dealing with anger, to help me deal with this.

Thank you for reading. I hope you have a good day/night. ❤️ Any advice is appreciated and welcomed. Also, if anyone has any free or cheap recommendations for online therapy or someone I can talk to professionally online, then that would be really appreciated. Thx ☺️