Best Sunday ever! Got to offend a Christian mom!

Does anyone remember my post where I my 16 year old daughter who is goth and a lesbian got called a dyke and had her ass slapped by a Christian boy at her school and to scare him she drew a pentagram on her hand and yelled "Devil in you!" To scare him. And the school wanted her to to apologize to HIM!

Well since then this boy and his family has convinced other people to call my daughter a witch and you know what my daughter did. She embraced it like the bad ass bitch she is. We were at the mall today and she was wearing a shirt that said "I'm a witch. Don't pray for me and I won't curse you." We ran into this boy and his mother. This mother said "Stay away from her. Girls like that will just ruin your life." My daughter would usually ignore comments like that but since this is the boy who called a dyke and SMACKED HER ASS she said "Yeah keep your future rapists away from me." The mother said "Excuse me! You respect your elders young lady!" And my daughter said "I don't respect people who created future predators." And she looked at me and said "Your daughter is a harlot and a she's what's wrong with the world. She's doing the devil's work." I said "Hmmmmm.... Let me thing. Harlot who is doing the devil's work or future predator? I'll take Harlot please!" This mom was getting so angry and said "My son is gonna be a pastor one day. Maybe if you wouldn't let your daughter dress like that then he wouldn't have touched her. He doesn't want her. She's disgusting." And my daughter said "Okay good. So when it comes out in 30 years that he molested little boys we will know which church kept it under wraps." This mom was so angry and said her son isn't a predator and it's my daughter's fault he touched her inappropriately. We laughed in her face which made her more mad and she said she hopes God saves my son who's 12 so he doesn't end up like my daughter. I told her I hope I never have a son who thinks it's appropriate to harass someone because of their sexuality and sexually assault them and we walked off laughing. Beautiful day. Beautiful beautiful day!

@Kim yes we did. He got a slap on the wrist basically. He had to do community service to keep his record clean

@Taylor lmao nobody clapped for us. We were strangers having an argument in a mall. Nobody gave af. We just took the piss out of her. And if you don't think people don't act like this maybe visit the bible belt.