Patiently waiting


So June 9 (cd9) my FWB and I met up ans.has a little fun before work. This was my first day of my fertile. It was amazing and felt different in a good way. On the 12 (cd12), I spotted very dark blood. Not enough for protect. Just when I wipe. This also happenes on 13 and 14. The 14 waa my ovulation day and it stopped. I.may havw spotted 3 or 4 times each day. From what I read, it could be implant bleeding. On the 27th is my said AF. I have never had implants bleeding with my other 2 k

ids. This would be welcoming and scary if I am. See I am 47 soon to be 48 in September. So what do you think could be doing on or has happened?

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