Breastfeeding counseling


Please let me know if this is not allowed in this group!

I am on my way to becoming an IBCLC, and I am completing my certification to become a breastfeeding counselor as my first step on this journey. I am on my final assignment, which is to find and help 2 breastfeeding mothers with any problems they are facing with breastfeeding, then have those 2 mothers submit a short evaluation to my instructor (10 questions, should only take 2-3 minutes to submit). If you are interested in participating please let me know in the comments or through a message! Again, I am not yet certified, this is my final assignment before certification so this is only for practice but hopefully the information I share with you will help :)

Edit: I just realized that I don't have access to glow messages right now because I haven't been active in a few months, so if anyone is interested leave a comment and I can post my contact info