Facing a difficult decision

In our 12 years of being married and having 3 planned pregnancies and birthing two children that are now almost 2 and 4. We had our first “accident”. I don’t know how to feel. My husband doesn’t want another at this time for multiple reasons, our last babe had a scary stay at Nicu after delivery and the thought of loosing the baby scared him from wanting another and it’s totally valid. And then there is the financial set back and our housing situation, we have been looking for what feels like forever to get a bigger house but we are priced out of everything unless we leave our family and move out of state. Which is terrifying and this pregnancy would put a clock in things. But Iv known I wanted a third. I wanted to wait till next year though because of my weight and getting our house figured out. I feel like our family won’t be as supportive either, my mom has already made snarky comments about you don’t need no more. And don’t get me wrong I am nervous if we go through with it as I feel like we just got our head out of water and in a good routine with our kids being 20 months apart. But abortion doesn’t feel right either I feel like a stick in the mud and neither decision feels right. But I get it , it’s our fault we are here not the babies fault and I accept my responsibility and I hate my self for being in this position. I just don’t know what to do. And I have no one to talk to.