Husband is an asshole

So our son is going to the zoo with husband’s mom and aunt and cousin tomorrow. The plan was for them to pick him up at our house. And then the plan changed. Which was having our son spend the night. He called his mom for some reason and then she asked if our son can just spend the night. He put her on mute and asked me and I was mad because there was already a plan made. Husband was acting like an asshole bringing up the pst when we first got married how how if he ignored me I would “threaten “ to leave and so on. Not sure why this was relevant. Anyways he then got back on the phone and told his mom he would just drive and drop him off in the morning. And he came in the bathroom and said are you happy queen (as he bowed )You got what you wanted. I then blew up at him telling him to stop being a jerk and that I can’t do this anymore. With us. When he’s mad it’s bad, he slams things, yells , etc. and pretty much blamed me for my son saying he didn’t want to spend the night over there anyways. (Not gonna force our kids to spend the night somewhere if they don’t want to). Our son is really scared of storms: lightening, thunder you name it. He’s also scared of the dark. Which tonight its storming again.. last night was bad the power went out woke up to tree branches everywhere and broken on trees.

His parents are old and have health issues and his mom smokes ..and the cousin whose going as well smokes too. I don’t want our son around that. That probably makes me the asshole, and our son has strep throat again.

He has spent the night at my parents but they don’t have health issues/concerns, there house isn’t dirty with dirty dishes all over. And he has his sister who spends the night as well. She is not living at home at the moment due to some issues (which is another story).

But husband bowing and saying Queen in a really asshole , jerky way is not ok.

Bringing up the past is not ok either.

I am just done with marriage. I’m not even happy. Haven’t been happy in years. This is me who posted about my husband not brushing his teeth/ showering all the time. And touches me even when I ask and tell him to stop he doesn’t. His excuse was we’re married. I told him it doesn’t matter if we’re married or not. If I ask him to stop he needs to.

I’m just venting and pissed off. And just done. But of course I have no where to go and can’t afford to live on my own🤬😭 and going to my parents isn’t an option (super toxic, manipulative situation .