Husband lacks ambition (considering separation)


Sorry this is so long I need to vent 😮‍💨

Hubby and I have been together for 7 year married for 5 of them when I met my husband we were both working at a warehouse (he's still it's been 11 years with no promotion $1 in raises) eventually I left the warehouse and took a call center job ive been here for a few years the pay is okay but it's not my passion so I decided to start college in the fall to enter the medical field I let him know that Iay have to cut down on work/pay to focus on school and his response was "as long as you can pay your bills" I was expecting "wow thats exciting im here for support if you need me" 🙄 we split bills 50/50 and I'm starting to feel like he just needs a roommate to help pay the mortgage at this point

Back to the point 😬

So since we weren't able to come up with any ideas on how we will maintain our household while I go through clinicals for a year I asked him if he wanted to start school instead and I'll hold down the fort (cover most of the bills) so he can focus on school and said he doesn't want to go to school, he doesn't want to get any certifications he doesn't have any plans for the future and that he doesn't have any goals 😪 he's 31 years old when we met he told me he was preparing for a career in IT he later told me that was a lie he also told me he had his own place but he was living in a back house at his aunts house (weird thing to lie about and he wanted to move in together within 3 months) anywho he has no plan or goals and I have a goals and he's just not willing to work a little harder to take over a couple more of our bills so I can create a better future for us we are almost living paycheck to paycheck and I want to get us out of this hole but I can't do it without his support

✨️ I know what youre thinking... yes I've tried to talk to him very nicely about this but it's like taking to a stunborn mule he gets offended, shuts down and we get no where 🥲 I'm turning 31 soon and I want to get my life started and I feel like that won't be possible with my husband I feel so bad for feeling this way because I really love him he basically perfect for me but this is a huge hurdle in our marriage and I don't know if we'll get through this..