No real reason but concerned please advice

I've had no real signs anything is wrong but I'm basically 2 days shy of 17 weeks I felt the baby one time n that was it I've really bin worried since me n my husband had michinary style sex n I was on bottom it seems I list pregnacy symptoms my smell sensitivity Idk i feel when i sit down my stomach disappears or pay on my back but when i stand up I'm huge I don't understand I've had discharge but regular clear or white not a lot but Idk why I'm so stresed I told myself if I made it through 1st trimester there no need to worry but look at me I'm stressing more now I know because I had a miscarriage but I lost that baby at 4weeks pregnant if it wasn't for a specific test I had to get done I would of never knew I was even pregnant I want to be able to enjoy this and be happy but I seen to continue to worryyself please help