Toddler gets upset when she wants something

Hi guys, I have an 18 month old daughter…she’s our first so all our experiences are new.

She definitely seems to be starting her terrible two tantrums already and also has this habit of whenever she sees something familiar (e.g. a banana, certain items of her clothes, certain toys, her water bottle etc.), especially if the item isn’t in its ‘usual spot’, she immediately seems to think she wants whatever it is and then gets upset before we have a chance to either get her what she wants or deflect and give her something else/distract her..

She’s incredibly observant and seems to notice everything. For example, if she sees me holding her father’s phone (or vice versa), even if we’ve handed the phone to each other, she gets upset and demands (using the language and sounds she has) the phone goes back to its rightful owner. Or if I’m carrying her so my mother/ her grandmother offers to hold my handbag or push her pram, she gets upset and demands my mother give my bag/the pram back…

Does this sound familiar to anyone? Any tips on navigating it? We try to keep things like bananas out of sight at dinner time and things like that. It’s hard to constantly have foresight though!

Thanks for reading.