Day 1 potty training my 2.5 year old


Please give me words of encouragement! Started potty training my 2.5 year old boy today, following everything I read in “Oh Crap! Potty Training” by Jamie Glowacki. We started off ‘block 1’ (naked, home, watching all day) with some success right out of the gate - peed in the potty twice! But the novelty seemed to wear off by noon. I watched him like a hawk all day, planned out a mix of new and old activities at home, and kept my cool the entire day remembering the correct wording to say etc. I feel like it just went downhill as the day went on, and forget it - at dinner time and when my husband came home from work it was just accident accident accident and zero signs he needed to pee. And resistance probably every other time he was prompted to use the potty. I know it’s only day 1 but I am TIRED and feeling defeated. Please tell me this is normal and to be expected. I plan on continuing block 1 tomorrow (naked) becuase while I think there was some progress, I don’t feel confident that he is getting it. Any advice or words of encouragement is greatly appreciated.