Worried about baby girl’s development


At what point do you worry that your baby isn’t hitting important milestones when they “should”? I know every baby is different and you shouldn’t compare but my daughter is 7 months and still doesn’t roll (in either direction) or put weight on her legs to stand at all. She’s currently seeing physio because of slight torticollis so I don’t know if that could be relevant. She also had some hip scans to check for hip problems but they were all clear. She’s only just started tolerating tummy time and actually putting weight on her arms. I see all these other babies the same age as her or younger and they’re crawling / standing / rolling and she doesn’t do any of it 😔 she did hit other milestones pretty early (she could hold her own head up at 2-3 months, and has been sitting unsupported from 5 months). Do I just need to be patient? I try to show her how to roll or stand but she can’t do it on her own.