i can’t wait to go back to work


anybody feel the same way? i actually asked to come back early from maternity leave. i actually hate being at home. i’m going back to work on the 31st. i work at a daycare so i can bring my daughter with me. i’m so excited to go back. i don’t get much help at home so going to my job where i get a break from my own baby for a few hours feels amazing. is it bad to feel that way? i’m just tired of being the only person my daughter wants. she doesn’t want her dad. he tries to help but all she does is scream when he holds her or tries to take care of her. she wants to be on top of me 24/7 and i’m just counting the days that she will be in a different room than me at the daycare. like rn i haven’t even been able to use the bathroom and i’ve been up since 6 am. it’s now 11:33am. i haven’t been able to eat or relax. i just want a break for 8 hours and i will only be able to get that at work. am i a bad mom bc i feel that way?