Chemical pregnancy questions


So back around memorial day my hubs and i had 3 positive pregnancy test and were super excited. Then it went down hill landing us a half a night in the er due to bleeding. Ultrasounds came back with nothing to view. But blood test said we were definietly oregnant showinga 9 so about 3 weeks along. And a referal for follow up blood work and visit with my ob. Her results were that my hcg was down to 0 and she thought it was probably more of a chemical pregnancy then a miscarriage. It still hurts for my hubs and i as we've been ttc for 5 yrs with no luck except for that one time. But im curious if any other ladies out there whom gone through this. Did you continue to have chemical pregnancies or actual pregnant? How long? Did you wait before you started trying again? Any info would be greatly appreciated