Has anyone used castor oil to help induce labor


So I have gestational diabetes and to make a long story short during my last pregnancy months shoulders got stuck and the Doctor ended up pulling her out and she had a hairline fracture on her right possible which required physical therapy the first year of her life thankfully she's fine now but because it happened last time with my pregnancy this time around the doctor's automatically want me to go towards having to see such according to them they don't know what let their children being stuck she's was not that little baby but she was how it happened before they think that is going to happen again according to her for exact words are there's a high probability of going to happen again and at the same time there's a possibility that it won't happen because nobody can predict these things so they're pushing me to have infections and I told them I'm not 100% against it please if it's not medically necessary I don't want me that a good action plan would be to try to induce labor myself over the next two weeks because my insurance won't pay for an induction until 38 weeks because they don't feel like I need it. I have a doula, Iris delivering doctor, and Iris OB and they all suggest is castor oil as a means starting labor over the next week and a half I'm wondering how many people have tried this method before

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