I just need to vent.


Sooo I’m pregnant. Just found out today with the pee test and saw that second line pop up. I’m shocked. And it’s totally unexpected and not planned. I’m on an IUD. I have 3 boys aged 4,3 and 9 months. I really don’t think I can handle 4 5 and under. Eventually I would like 4… but just not now. My life is stressful with my family imploding. My dad is going to jail, my brother disowned everyone in his family, and my mom is in denial that shit is hitting the fan. My family home growing up is being vandalized while my dad tries to sell it to support my youngest sister and mom…. Just so much.

However… I’m not going to lie. I wonder if this will be my girl? And if I get an abortion is my chance of having a daughter gone…

I just I’m so lost. My partner really isn’t wanting another. But he would if I did. He’s supportive.

I’m worried about what stress does in early pregnancy.

I’m worried about that glass of wine or two I’ve been having every other night…

Gosh. I just don’t know. I’m in shock.