Praying for a Sticky Baby

2015 was the hardest year of my life. Husband and I are both 32, we have a beautiful 3 yr old and have been tiring since Sept 2014 to expand the family. Unfortunately 2015 saw us go throw our first miscarriage, 2 months later his Grandmother passed. 2 months later we fell again only to find out this was an Ectopic Scar...was given the go ahead to start trying in October, fell straight away for this to end again in miscarriage..then over the next 2 months I then lost my only 2 Grandparents..., recently just in Dec and ironically the same day I booked to see a Fertility Specialist.
I wasn't taking temps this time round just the Ferning Microscope so have an idea of when I ovulated but not exact. Out of all the miscarriages this line seemed to come out the best and within 1 minute...I just want to see it get darker, see the scan and so desparately get excited.. So fingers crossed to all, due date is give or take Sept 9 for me 😊. 2016 is going to be my year