Could i be pregnant!?


Okay my husband and I have been actively trying to conceive for the last three months! December 4th I had a very light "period" (if that's even what you can call it, just brown discharge no blood and no pain/cramping) it was a week early and only lasted two days. I was due for another period December 24th and I never started! I've taken three test and all were negative to start with, but after about 5 hours you could see a very faint positive. I've used two digital test and they both say not pregnant. HElP!!!
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May have just had a lighter than normal perood. These things happen sometimes. It just means your lining didn't get thick enough to have much at all to shed. You can't trust any hpt beyond the 10min mark. And digital takes more hcg to register positive, so those are really only good if you're already seeing a legit faint line on a dye test.


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The first test I took was negative on a digital. I waited 2 more days and took frer and got a really strong positive line. Your hcg doubles every day, so if you got a negative, wait a couple days and see if AF comes. If not, take another test.