I think I'm pregnant

my periods used to be irregular but they haven't been in a while and I'm really scared. I had sex on December 10th about three and a half weeks ago and I get my period at the end of each month. I would be three weeks pregnant right now and my boobs are sore, I have mild cramps, I'm overly tired, and over eating. the third week pregnancy symptoms mimic pmsing. I'm really scared and can't talk to my mom about this because she would freak out. this guy and I had sex with a condom on but then we took it off half way through sex, he didn't finish inside me. I took four pregnancy tests, two were too early to tell and I took one 4 days before my period was supposed to start and the other the day my period was supposed to end but they both came back negative. I don't take a birth control pill or anything. I'm really scared so any feedback would be helpful!