Pcos, endometrial hyperplasia, 5 years ttc


Hey everyone, i was diagnosed with pcos 9 years ago so i always knew it was going to be hard to concieve. When my husband and i didnt get pregnant after a year i decided to see an ob to see if they could help. I have a history of miscarriages, we are now up to 5 miscarriages, so i have to be monitored closely.

My OBGYN had put me on metformin to regulate my insulin, and clomid to help my ovulate. I did the ultrasounds and blood work and still didnt ovulate. My OB randomly left the practice and my insurance change so i switched to a new OB who discovered i had a severe case of simple endometrial hyperplasia, polyps in my uterus, which had been causing the miscarriages.

So after 5 long years of having these polyps filling my uterus and keeping me from conceiving, i had surgery to remove all of them. Before my surgery my uterine lining was at a 16, sonce my surgery my lining has thinned to a 5.7 and my dr has given me the ok to ttc.

Well my last period was on the 14th of december. When i had my ultrasound on the 23rd to see how everything was looking post-op the tech said she could see the follicles in my ovaries meaning that its just waiting on maturing. Well i took opks 24th-2nd with them getting darker than slowly fading away.

One app said my peak was the 28th-30th and anothwr said it was the 31st-2nd. But i am having cramping, fatigue, and breast pain. As well as slight insomnia and frequent urination.

Am i imagining these symptoms or could they really show up this early?! When can i test?!