Daycare Pumping

My 11mo goes to daycare once a week. She has never been great about taking bottles, but in the past month or so she’s really not been interested in them. They pace feed and offer bottles at the appropriate times, she just really doesn’t like the bottle.

I pump as often as she would nurse, and I always end up with much more than she drinks at daycare. (I have an oversupply so I only pump for 5-8mins and don’t empty the breast but I still end up with loads). So I have tons of freezer milk and no idea what to do with it all. (We do showers with the kiddos, so I can’t do milk baths, and anyway I’m talking about like 100 bags of milk)

But anyway my question is, once she turns 1 and stops getting bottles altogether, should I stop pumping when she goes to daycare? I’ll continue nursing her at home and if she’s anything like my first, she’ll probably still nurse 5-6x a day.