Don't Give Up!!!!


I just want to post some encouragement here. I was not able to adequately breastfeed my first son due to reasons I won't share right now because it's a long story. I felt that my body was fully capable, but due to circumstances, I was unable to get off to a good start producing milk and ultimately had to give him about 95% formula or more. When I became pregnant with my second son, I was determined to exclusively breastfeed him by any means possible. My husband was 100% supportive and always has been. My mother-in-law however did not want me to breastfeed; and in the beginning, she kept asking when I was going to quit and switch him to formula. She was convinced that he was not eating enough. My own mother was very supportive. When my son was around 2 months old though, and she started babysitting him when I went back to work, she expressed concern that I was not feeding him enough by bottles during the day. I told her that I was giving him almost the exact amounts that I was pumping during those hours which should equal approximately what he had been nursing up to this point — 2.5 oz every 2 hours. He hit a growth spurt around the 3-month mark and fattened up rapidly even though he was still eating the same amounts. I stood my ground that we would not feed him more breast milk nor would we supplement with formulas or cereal that he was doing just fine. He just turned 17 weeks old today and is about to hit the 4 month mark. I still breastfeed on demand at home and pump while at work. My milk supply for the most part has remained stable except for a few random days where it dipped for various reasons. However, my son is fat and healthy and I currently have 29 bags of milk in the freezer in 3 oz portions. I just want to encourage everyone and let them know that you can do it and don't listen to any negativity. Educate yourself and do what is best for you and your baby. I hope everyone continues to have a good breastfeeding journey.