Is my baby too tall??


So my pediatrician hasn’t said anything but my baby is so tall and I’m a first time mom so I worry about everything. He’s 13 months and the same height as 3 year olds at the playground. I’m 5’5” and his dad is 5’8” so it’s surprising. He’s in 2T-3T clothes. He’s skinny because it’s impossible to feed him enough, but he’s really strong. He’s been walking since 8-9 months, running now, and can hurl a ball across a room. I give him high calories food every 1-2 hours as much as his stomach can take without puking, and have to do multiple night feeds still just to try and keep up with his calorie needs. Its weird when we see people because they just assume he’s older and can talk but he’s only 13 months so he just has a handful of words, but I think people assume he’s slow. And I’m 115 with scoliosis and really suffering to pick this big old baby up now!!! 😫. I just never expected this. I guess he’s just going to be really tall?? 😳