Toddler behavior resources???

FTM here needing advice. I am well bonded with my child and I feel like I’m a really good mom to him. He’s 13 months but already very much a toddler. He is physically strong and strong willed and he’s been walking, talking, and wrecking havoc in the house since he was nine months! 🤪. I feel like patience so far for him has just come so naturally for me. However, he’s had some toddler behaviors lately that I’ve definitely struggled with and I’m wondering what resources anyone has to help me learn how to better respond to these things? For example, the past week he’s been on a food strike and he gets really angry if I try to feed him and there doesn’t seem to be any reason other than maybe him gaining autonomy with eating but he’s not proficient enough in self feeding yet to entirely self feed for enough calories. I actually have felt anger over it which isn’t normal for me. Mainly bc I don’t know what to do and my child has to eat. So that’s been hard. And when I’ve changed his diaper the past few days, he just seems to want to scrape up his legs once I take his clothes off for really no reason than the fact he likes how it feels. He does the same scraping motion on other things for sensory input, just a weird thing he does. But he literally made himself bleed and got really angry if I tried to make him stop, and I lost my cool with him because he was hell-bent on scraping off his skin (like wtf?!). He’s also been biting me a lot. I can deal with the rambunctiousness, but is the first time he’s really showed anger and agitation and real stubbornness , and I actually don’t really know what to do with it when it’s things I can’t just let go (like not eating or hurting himself) so any advice or resources would be appreciated !!