formula question


so sorry if this is a long post, i will try to keep it short!

my son is 4.5 months old, we exclusively breastfed for about 2 weeks after he was born.. IBCLC didn't like his weight loss so had me start supplementing with formula. i did kendamil organic for about a month and it made his poop super mucousy and he was pooping literally nonstop. doc thought maybe it was cow milk allergy. i tried kendamil goat and it made the mucous worse. meanwhile he was having no other symptoms.. no reflux, vomiting, fussiness, rashes, etc. my friend told me to try bobbie so we did that for about a month and his poops slowed down and became normal.. however it made him SUPER gassy.. gas drops barely helped, if at all. around the three month mark i switched him to enfamil enspire (what i gave my first baby) and his poops stayed normal, hasn't been gassy, but he started breaking out with what i believe is eczema on his legs and torso.. it isn't severe but definitely feels like rough patches, aquaphor helps but doesn't resolve it completely.. and he's had it the past 1.5 months.

do you think this is actually a cow milk allergy? i would've thought since enspire is cow milk based he would still have mucousy poops if he was in fact allergic/sensitive to cow milk.. my next step is to try nutramigen... it's just SO pricey😵‍💫