Don’t know what to do

I feel like I’m lost! From the outside in it looks like my husband and i relationship is perfect, but behind closed doors. I can bring talking to him and he not even hear a word I say, he’s always on his phone, and always wants to be outside drinking. I’ve left him before cause I thought I wasn’t happy and we got back together and it was great until after we had our baby, it was like I saw an entire different man. He’s always out doing something. My oldest even says things to me like why does daddy talk to you like that or why isn’t he home or where is he. It’s seriously getting so hard to stay strong! I keep trying so hard to keep this marriage going and he just doesn’t seem like he cares, but when I say something he’s like I do and I love you! Only touches me out sweet when he wants to have sex. And alway questions everything I do. The sheet came of the bed one night and I fixed it the next day before we got in bed and he’s like when did you do this? And I’m just like what. I’m trying so hard for my kids but I just really don’t even know if it’s worth it anymore. But I’m a stay at home mom and no job, no money, and don’t know what do to.