
My daughter is a BUSY 10 month old. I’m trying to teach her dad about sense of awareness just meaning he needs to be aware of his and her surroundings so she doesn’t get hurt because when she’s in his care she has either hit her head or her chin mostly on his knee and has even been close to falling off the bed with him. Anytime I tell her like “watch her” or “watch it” he will say “I got her” and the last time he said that, he was playing his game with her in his lap in a chair and she slid down nearly busting her ass.. so I tell him i’m not saying it for my safety but for our daughters. Well she was close to the edge of the bed crawling trying to hold onto him and it looked like she was going to fall so i reacted quickly and grabbed her and he looked at me as if i was tripping and I said “sense of awareness she was too close to the bed” and he said no she isn’t and pointed exactly where she was and said “no she wasn’t she was right here”…indeed too close to the edge of the bed. I put a picture below for you guys, but now he’s mad at me as if she wasn’t too close to the edge but like I said she’s busy and clumsy and anything can happen and I rather be safe than sorry and he knows this. but now he’s mad at me saying I act like an ass 💀 was i in the wrong? am i over doing it ? just rather avoid the hurt cries from her and any injuries