$1million dollar bet: men’s high school basketball vs WNBA


Clay Travis just put out there that he would put a million dollar bet that a men’s high school basketball team, of his choice, could beat the women’s team, Aces, from the WNBA

::long sigh::

If you have any context to this please feel free to share. But I find it very annoying that a man feels the need to prove that men are better at sports than women. We get it. We know men are better at more sports due to biological reasons. I find it distasteful that he feels the need to insult athlete women like this.

Supposedly, him making this bet was his way of showing that men and women are built differently. It was meant to stir the pot, cause a conversation and a debate. So some women are defending him saying it’s not sexist to admit that men and women are built differently.