Idk what to do


I’ve been in my relationship for 10 years we share 1 child together. I’m 31 he’s 40. I lost my virginity to him. The intimacy of the relationship has died it feels like I have to force him to touch me or do anything. He’s a great guy but the sex has gone down the drain. I’ve tried to talk to him multiple times but im just to sexually frustrated. I always have to initiate and when I do at times he don’t feel like it. He’s the only man I’ve been with but mostly I hear men always wants it. I’ve tried sleeping in lingerie nothing sleep naked nothing. I’ve even asked if we should just take sex off the table. He would rather Jack off then have sex and I feel like I’m done begging for it and being rejected a lot. I’m tired of the excuses. I’m no cheater but I would have for intimacy and lack of sex be the reason I end it.