Possibly Cancer??


**update as of now

I had a pelvic and transvaginal ultrasound a couple days ago. Patient Portal was updated with results, but I have not heard from the Dr yet.

Results read that I have abnormal thickening of endometrium. Some areas 10-11mm which usually could be considered normal, but other areas are 17-20mm.

So I'm just trying to take the info as it comes and try to patiently wait for the Dr to call, which probably won't be until next week...**

So I have been having a lot of irregular bleeding. Spotting between periods, long periods. I finally went to my Obgyn and she did a pap. She was going to do I guess a endo biopsy in office, but I have a high and tilted uterus so she decided against it right then and said I would possibly have a D&C.

Anyways she did say what's going on is definitely not normal and she wants to get to the bottom of it.

I have an ultrasound at the end of the month and I am an over worrier. I'm gonna be worried until this is all over.

I would love if those of you that have gone through this would share what your symptoms or outcomes were?

Did you end up having cancer or not?

I've had a lot of issues going on and I'm not sure if they are related or not.

I could list them if anyone wanted to know, I just really want to kinda compare notes lol