High blood pressure and protein in urine at 17 weeks


Hello everyone! I’m currently pregnant with my 2nd child. My 1st pregnancy had no issue, but this time I’m having a rough time. At my 12 week and 17 week OB appointments I had high blood pressure and protein in my urine. My doctor labeled me as high risk, started me on Labetolol, sent me to do a 24 hour urine, and is having me come to the office every 2 weeks now. I’m still waiting on my 24 hour urine results to come back, but I was wondering if anyone else has had these issues so early on. My blood pressure has been around 150’s/ 110 range. I’ve been feeling super short of breath, weak, and now my hand are swollen. I’m nervous and just wanting everything to be ok. Thank you! 💖