Pregnant from pullout?

Has anyone fallen pregnant using the pullout method, and not necessarily close to ovulation based on the app? I’m having a lot of the same symptoms I had in both of my previous pregnancies, however, I’m also aware that menstruation can cause similar symptoms to that of pregnancy.

I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning about contraception, but am just nervous about the actual possibility of being pregnant? He pulled out with plenty of time and we only had sex 3 days out of the entire month. On the 18th (one day past predicted ovulation) we had multiple rounds. On the 12th I had raw egg white cervical mucus which continued until the 17th.

Should I take a pregnancy test? Should I wait? Has anyone fallen pregnant with a similar cycle chart + pullout? Am I stressing myself for no reason? Does anyone know the ACTUAL likelihood of falling pregnant on pullout? I fell pregnant with my first child using withdrawal method, but we were drunk..