Spouse conflict


Feeling like I'm at an impasse.

Prior to getting together, living together and especially having a baby together I made sure to ask all the tough questions, really get into the character of this person I wanted to spend my life with and raise my kids with. We seemed to be on the same page, our ideals and priorities aligned, thought we wouldn't have any inconsistencies with our parenting... Well I was wrong, or I guess I feel like I was led astray.

I made It known abundantly clear that I have rules in place for my kids, bedtimes, routines, screen time monitoring and chores. He expressed the same prioritization with his kids. Over the year things have came to light that bother me, that what he said wasn't true. His two young sons have had phones and video games since very young, free to do whatever they like on them for however long they want, stay up as late as they want on weekends, have been exposed to things I would never expose my kids to or allow my kids to do/watch/participate.

It's now become a conflict between us because I stand firm on my knowledge and belief in the affects of parenting like that, he disagrees and always meets the conversation with defensiveness.

It's clear we don't see eye to eye and it's making me see some other things I might have swept under the rug, how he gets defensive if I know more on a topic, if I win at a game, if I have a differing opinion or perspective on a subject.

I try to communicate these issues but there is never resolution and there is so much defensiveness and lack of accountability. This just isn't who he let me to believe he was... I feel so conflicted.. 😢