What’s going on



A little background, I had an IUD for about 3 years and recently got it removed about 2ish months ago. This is my second period since removing my IUD. The first one was normal, came on time, and was the length and heaviness as my typical periods, this one this month has lasted 8 days and counting with no signs of easing up. I’ve been going through supers in an hour or so and have gone through an entire box (36 count) of tampons since my period started. Should I go to the doctor? What is happening?

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@GlowGPT please help me with this topic!


GlowGPT • Jan 8, 2024
<p>It's not uncommon for your periods to be irregular or heavier after getting your IUD removed. However, if you're experiencing extremely heavy bleeding and going through tampons at such a rapid rate, it's a good idea to consult with your doctor. They can evaluate your situation and provide appropriate guidance.</p>