What’s the earliest you experienced symptoms?

Leyana • 💍 Wife & Mother 👦🏽👼🏽 👶🏽👼🏽

My husband & I have been talking about potentially TTC in the next few months but have not actually come to a final decision. We already have two beautiful boys and would love to complete our family with one more child, bonus points if it were a girl! Well, we had sex on Dec 30th/31st (one of those late night early morning scenarios) and no precautions were taken. I’ve been off the pill since September and we don’t use condoms so we usually just cycle track and use withdrawal. Well, not this time, and I was already 3 days into my fertile window and away from ovulating. I’d be thrilled if I were pregnant but since we hadn’t really made a final decision I asked to abstain from sex til I was out of my fertile window to not increase the chances. If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be but we’re not trying for it yet. Well I’ve been feeling pretty strange since immediately after ovulation day. My boobs & nipples are incredibly sore, to the point where I can hardly wear a bra without being in pain. I’m usually not someone who’s able to just take naps during the day, even when I’m super tired my mind is just too restless, even when I try. These past few days I have been knocking out for hours in the middle of the day and literally can not get enough sleep. Been very crampy and been having back pain (not too unusual). Idk I was on the birth control as a treatment for PMDD so I’m trying not to read too deep into these symptoms since typically the symptoms of PMDD make me feel like I’m PMSing or pregnant all month but recently it just feels a little different and more intense…I’m not going to test until the 12th when I’m 9dpo but I’m just curious if anyone has had symptoms so soon after ovulation and actually been pregnant?