Feeling Burnt Out!


My son will be 2 months this Sunday and he is 8 weeks today. He still has his nights and days mixed up. We are keeping him up more throughout the day doing tummy time or just keeping his attention. I’ve been doing a routine where we give him a bath, then a bottle, then I rock him to sleep. We still swaddle him, as he hasn’t rolled over yet and still loves being swaddled. He will stay asleep for maybe 30 mins and then be right back up. This is throughout the whole entire night. He is eating around 5 oz every 3-4 hours. My goal is to try to get him to sleep those 4 hours (5 hours is pushing it but he has done this once) in between the feedings at night time. I am feeling so burnt out and as a first time mom, just so overwhelmed because I see other mom’s talk about how their babies are already sleeping through the night. I feel like it’s me and I’m the one who isn’t doing something right.