Hemorrhoids issue during pregnancy 7 weeks pregnant


I’ve been experiencing hemorrhoids since the beginning of pregnancy which is completely normal. However mine turned to thrombosed hemorrhoids which is living hell! Obgyn referred me to GI. I called about 20 different offices and nobody took me serious and kept saying it’s normal to have hemorrhoids. My last shot was to call make an appointment and don’t mention pregnancy on the phone. I had my appointment today and told the doc straight out I’m pregnant and need help. He looked at it and said ‘Geez, yes those need to be cut out immediately, if not the pop and will cause major bleeding’ he took out a total of 3 grape sized hemorrhoids. Instant relief!!! Dealing with afterpain of the cut due to no narcotics allowed but I’m so happy I fought for it and it’s finally out!

if anyone has the same issues and in excruciating pain, fight for it! Since it’s recommended by the obgyn if too severe it won’t harm the baby!