what do you think?

my period starts in 2 days and im feeling hopeless. with my daughter i got a way earlier positive then what i’m currently at now. I feel i don’t see anything

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Posted at
Next month, fingers crossed 🤞🏼


Posted at
I don’t see anything yet but every pregnancy is different. Try again in a couple of days.


Posted at
Don’t count anything out until af comes. Here’s why: another young lady on my flo app shared her experience of having all negatives until a day or two late of her period. That gave me some hope. We are not meant to ovulate on cd14. There’s been a study that says cd14 guarantee is out. More women ovulated earlier or after cd14 rather than on or even around the exact day. So there’s that. Next implantation typically has taken place for the majority of women around cd20-27 or something around that nature. So breathe. This may not be your month but you cannot count yourself out yet. 🫶🏻


Posted at
You may end up getting your period.


Posted at
I don’t see anything:/