Need some words to feel better ❤️‍🩹


I am 29 almost 30 weeks pregnant and I suffer from hsv 2 s(herpes vaginal) before this pregnancy I had nearly no outbreaks, maybe once every 3/4 months and was gone within a day, I was on medication. Although I stopped when I became pregnant and told my OB he prescribed me valacyclovir 1,000 when I did have an outbreak. I have been having horrible outbreaks non stop since becoming pregnant and I’m convinced it’s going to end up in C section. He changed my meds but it seems not to get better the outbreaks are worse then before pregnancy they are just horrible and it saddens me that for a mistake I did 8 years ago I’m going through this, I’m not even excited to become a mommy again.. I’m just depressed all the time.. any advice into how to feel better or maybe deal with these outbreaks??! Please