Bullying at my daughter's school is getting worse

My daughter just turned 17 and she's been getting bullied because of my son's (19) OF. My son also got bullied at this school for being gay to the point he dropped out of school and is now doing OF. This first started when some kid got into his dad's OF account and saw he followed my son which is weird on its own and showed the school. I've recently talked to my son about it. At first I wasn't going to because I mean OF is an adult site to begin with and that kid shouldn't have access to his dad's account and it's not my business. But the bullying is getting worse so I spoke to my son and he was pretty apathetic about the whole thing. He said he doesn't care what a bunch of people who bullied him out of school think about him. He's an adult now and will do what he wants with his sexuality. I understand the bullying destroyed him. He doesn't have to stop doing adult stuff but just wish there was a little more sympathy for his sister but honestly I don't think my son is himself. I found out he's moving on from OF and signed with an actual porn studio which is concerning to me. If you wanna do adult entertainment okay he's an adult. But at the very lease freelance. Signing a 3 year contract seems like how people get abused in that industry. Not to mention imo it's a shady contract and I seriously am wondering if he's on something. He's not acting like himself at all and making impulsive decisions and not caring about consequences. Idk if he's on something but my ex asked me if he was too so I'm not the only one seeing it. Anyway talking to him didn't do much good. My daughter got suspended because someone taped a picture of my son in a... Situation with multiple men on her locker. And she punched that person in the face and started beating them up. Switching schools isn't possible unless we up and move. There's only 1 high school here. I'm scared I'm going to have another high school drop out when she's 18. I have spoken to parents and the school and they haven't done anything.

Edit: My daughter doesn't have the discipline to do online school. It just wouldn't work for her. She almost flunked everything in virtual learning

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Posted at
I feel like I’ve already read this story some time last year. Is online schooling not an option to finish school?


Posted at
GED program and finish and forget the school.


Posted at
Pandemic online learning is nothing like intentional virtual school. Brick and mortar teachers were suddenly expected to teach online with little to no notice, resources, knowledge, or support. Add on the emotional difficulties of the pandemic itself and it was all around a mess. Schools that are designed for virtual learning have the platforms, tools, knowledge, and set up to be successful. She might find motivation to complete virtual school when the alternative is bullying, physical altercations, and suspensions. How badly does she want out of that situation? People can do hard things when needed. I’d look into stand alone virtual schools. Our district has a virtual charter that is highly successful. Some states have virtual schools through their state department of education. I wouldn’t dismiss that option just because pandemic learning was a disaster. Very few people - students and staff alike - thrived in that setting.


Posted at
The reason for mass shootings at school….. I just don’t understand….. they have too much timeOn their hands to bully… the school should be ashamed of themselves. I don’t even know what to say…. I hope it gets better for her 😞