
Has anyone experienced a low breast milksupply? I had my child on Jan 10th, i.was 6 weeks early bc i had to have an emergency c section. The first few days i barley had any breast milk or none at all, then i had maybe 2 days of a good flow and now today i'm back to barely any coming out. Its really frustrating and i cry when theres this little amount and i feel like I'm not providing any or enough for my child. I feel like my supply is running out bc my breast arent firm like they were, they are flat and feel like they normally would. I've pumped every 3 hours there were a few times i missed the 3 hour mark but i tried to stay consistent. I just don't know what to do, ive increased my water intake. Ive had people tell me to try different things. Im really impatient, i like immediate results, which i know with this its a process but I'm like will it pick back up or am i done? Like how can you tell.