Milk Supply still low at 2 months PP😞


Hey mamas! FTM here. So my little one is 2 months old today and I am still not making enough milk for him. Is it too late to increase my supply?? From day one we have been having to supplement with formula. I have had breast surgery so maybe that is a reason why I'm struggling. I only pump about 2 oz a time in the early morning hours. Then I only get 1 oz a time through the rest of the day. I pump 8 times a day for 20 mins, with one power pump a day. I also take liquid gold supplement by legendary milk for about 2 weeks now. I'm eating oatmeal twice a day and drinking a gallon of water a day. Is there anything else I can do?? I get about 9 oz total a day. 😣 Thanks in advance.