Ok I need help please !


I have taken clomid My past few cycles. I use the clear blue pink die pregnancy tests and the opk ones that are digital. I’m supposed to start my period day after tomorrow. My question is does clomid make you have changed bleeding on your period? Last month I had a two day very light period. I’ve taken tests which are negative I think. Can anyone explain what the issue is? I might just be too old to have babies I dunno. Just turned 40 two weeks ago but periods are regular so doc said it’s possible but harder to get that way when you get older. Yay me lol. I’d appreciate anyone helping me out and letting me know things about clomid. Let me know if this test is positive too. lol 😆 I’m pretty sure it’s negative but I’ve been experiencing preg symptoms but they also can be from clomid I’ve read. Omg I’m going insane! Ty for your help