It’s so hard parenting an autistic child and being judged for it

People just see your child and automatically assume you’re a terrible parent. They assume your child is a terrible, spoiled kid. They’ll stare at the store when your child has a meltdown because someone else walked through the automatic sliding door, making it open before they could get there or you avoided the entire food section of the store but your child memorized the layout and since you went IN THE DIRECTION the donuts are in eight aisles over they’re now screaming because they want donuts even though you have two packages at home. They’ll stare when you’re on a walk and they’re still in a stroller or in a harness because they elope faster than you can blink. The doctors and nurses will laugh and talk crap behind the closed door about how your child is making a big deal over every little test and crying because they don’t like being touched by strangers. You hate yourself and your emotions because you’re doing the best you can, your child is doing the best they can, the problem really lies with the ignorant people but you can’t help but feel a little frustrated with your child for giving off the impression that mommy and daddy are horrible parents and then you’re angry with yourself again for having any tiny negative thought about your sweet child who doesn’t do anything wrong, they’re simply existing but society notices they’re different so they’re immediately judged more harshly. It doesn’t help that you became parents at 20 years old so you get judged for being young parents on top of it and your child is 99th percentile in height and is the height of a third grader even though they’re in kindergarten.