I don’t know how to feel

Back story. I’m in my last semester of nursing school and I have a 1 year old. My husband works full time and I stopped working due to this semester being crazy and my clinicals being on nights and my classes during the day. My husband feels as if him working is good enough. That he doesn’t have to help around the house or help with our daughter. He doesn’t help with bath time, bed time, brushing teeth, cleaning her dishes, etc. I also recently found out a have a tumor on my liver. They are pretty sure it’s benign but still scary. I also just had surgery back in December and he did not lift a finger to help me at all. Fast forward to tonight, me and my daughter have Covid and he decided he’s gonna go out and drink but not tell me. So I lost my cool. Words were exchanged but the thing that hurt the most was he blamed me for why he has EIGHT different girls nudes on his phone and told me to get out. That I wasn’t nothing when we meet and I won’t be anything, that my career doesn’t matter since I’m in school still. And all this other hurtful stuff. I thought he should been at home to help with our daughter instead of out drinking. This is a repetitive issue and I feel like I’m going crazy.