Segmental PGTA results


It’s been so helpful hearing all of your brave <a href="">IVF</a> stories. It’s my turn to share my experience.

I’m 42 and have very low AMH (0.2). I went through a mini <a href="">IVF</a> cycle stimulating ovulation with clomid 200 mg for 5 days. Had 4 eggs retrieved during the egg retrieval and 2 were matured and fertilized. Only one made it to blastocyst and was sent to PGTA testing. We just got our results back and my only embryo is determined to be segmental after PGTA results (abnormal). The clinic said it may be eligible for transfer after genetic counseling. After searching online, it seems like a segmental embryo has reduced chance to result in a live birth but it’s not impossible like an aneuploid embryo. So now we have to decide if we want to try another cycle or to go for the transfer with this embryo.

I’m disappointed that we didn’t get a normal embryo but at the same time I’m glad that the embryo at least has a chance of being transferred.

Does anyone have experience with a segmental or mosaic embryo? What does your clinic advise you to do? Anything would be helpful! Thank you!